来源:乐考网 2018-11-13 10:06:34
私人财富管理(Session 4: Private Wealth Management)发生小幅度变化:
1、-Reading 9 Taxes and Private Wealth Management in a Global Context 中:【c. calculate accrual equivalent tax rates and after-tax returns 考点删除。】;【g. explain tax loss harvesting and highest-in/first-out (HIFO) tax lot accounting 更换表达方式】。
2、机构投资者的组合管理(Session 6: Portfolio Management for Institutional Investors)删除了原来的 Reading 14. Linking Pension Liabilities to Assets。
3、资产配置(Session 8-Session 9: Asset Allocation and Related Decisions in Portfolio Management)变化很大:从2个session 3个reading变成了2个session5个reading。
4、固定收益的组合管理(Session 10-Session11: Fixed-Income Portfolio Management)变化很大:从2个session 的3个reading变成2个session 的4个reading 。
5、经济分析在组合管理管理中的应用(Section 7: Application of Economic Analysis to Portfolio Management)中Reading 14 Capital Market Expectation的 i 点发生变化,对yield curve 的掌握要求提高了。
6、组合管理中的另类投资(Session 13: Alternative Investments for Portfolio Management)中Reading 26 Alternative Investments Portfolio Management 的第 n 点被删除。
7、-n. explain the three components of return for a commodity futures contract and the effect that an upward- or downward-sloping term structure of futures prices will have on roll yield。